Practicing the Art of Self Healing

Self-Help with Jin Shin Jyutsu Faculty 2020.  During the Pandemic Jin Shin Jyutsu Faculty from around the world offered daily meditations in Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help.

Many of the faculty have continued offering these videos.


Big News for the JSJ-Community!
Many of you, fellow practitioners, have asked us kindly to let the community know about the availability of a new - extraordinary, exciting and revolutionary - JSJ self-help book and card set, which has just come out from Upper West Side Philosophers, Inc. As David Burmeister so pointedly puts it: HEALTH IS IN YOUR HANDS: Jin Shin Jyutsu - Practicing the Art of Self-Healing is “a fun and easy way to learn JSJ …valuable for the novice and seasoned JSJ student alike.”

Waltraud Riegger-Krause, an authorized JSJ-instructor and long-time JSJ-practitioner, has landed a coup: an attractive, easy-to-use, and playful JSJ-book and card set that captures and encompasses the entire breath and depth of JSJ's complex and intricate system, while at the same time combining it with immediate practical applications for daily use, self-help and “quickies.” A symptoms index will guide the beginner toward, and remind the seasoned practitioner of, the most effective hand applications for harmonizing disharmony.

We hope that the above and below images  will give you an idea of how beautifully-designed and effectively-structured this JSJ-jewel is. It is ideal for anyone introducing JSJ to friends, clients and family, and indispensable as a first-aid and travel kit for all of us, experienced practitioners.
We do hope that you will share our enthusiasm and love for this product, as well as our gratitude to Waltraud Riegger-Krause for her work and service to the JSJ-mission. As always, no words can express our profound gratitude to Mary Burmeister and Jiro Murai for bringing the Art of Self-Healing to us.
Health Is In Your Hands: Jin Shin Jyutsu - Practicing the Art of Self-Healing is available from:

- UPPER WEST SIDE PHILOSOPHERS, INC. (for 10 copies and more. Please inquire about quantity discounts)




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With my very best wishes,
Kathrin Stengel, Publisher