On-Site Chair Massage for the Workplace

On-site chair massage is a simple, cost-effective way to:

  • Relieve stress
  • Improve employee morale
  • Increase produtivity
  • Lower health care costs
  • Show staff you care

What is Chair Massage?

On-site chair massage is a short massage which:

  • Comes to your workplace
  • Lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, uses no oil, and takes place with the employee folly clothed.
  • Usually covers the head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands and can be adapted to special needs.
  • Leaves employees feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to return to work.

I use a portable massage chair, designed for comfort and support. It can be set up and dismantled quickly in almost any location.

Chair Massage Excels as a Wellness Program

  • It's convenient. no need to change clothes, shower, or leave work to participate.
  • Results are immediate. Most wellness programs take months to show results.
  • It's easy and safe. No special fitness level or training is required to receive a massage.
  • Effects are cumulative. Consistent use reinforces the benefits.
  • People enjoy it. You avoid two common problems: spending more selling a program than on the program itself, and having it used most by employees who need it the least.
  • It encourages other steps to wellness. Regular massage helps people feel better and can motivate them to take care of themselves with diet, exercise or other lifestyle changes.

Chair Massage is a Versatile Benefit

Once on-site massage is in place, you may find it is also a great way to recognize birthdays or service anniversaries, provide incentive awards for good attendance or an accident-free period, or give a bonus for achieving company and individual goals or completing projects.

These uses are also an ideal way to try on-site massage without an ongoing commitment.

Today stress is a fact of life, and the workplace is no exception. Deadlines, rapidly changing technology, and unavoidable interpersonal conflicts are just a few of the stresses workers cope with daily.

The effects of stress are cumulative and, without time to relax and recharge, can lead to:

  • Headaches, backaches, eyestrain, neck pain.
  • Repetitive use injuries such as tendinitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Listlessness, poor concentration, anxiety, depression,irritability, or anger.
  • Lowered resistance to colds and infections, high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Physical and emotional exhaustion, also known as "burn-out."

Stress Costs You Money

Stress on or off the job costs U.S. workplaces an estimated $200 billion a year in reduced productivity, accidents, compensation claims, absenteeism, employee turnover, health insurance and medical expenses. This is more than the after-tax profits of all the Fortune 500 companies, and 10 times the cost of all strikes combined. recent studies show:

  • Up to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints.
  • Up to 80% of industrial accidents are due to stress.
  • Over 50% of lost work days are stress-related.
  • 14% of workers say stress caused them to quit or change jobs in the previous two years.
  • Workers' compensation awards for job stress threaten to bankrupt the system in some states.

On-site Chair Massage Can Help!

For over a decade, with on-site massage I have been effectively relieving stress in the workplace for everyone from CEOs to hourly workers. It works because massage:

  • Reduces muscle tension and the pain it causes.
  • Calms the nervous system and increases circulation, which boosts energy and alertness.
  • Helps employees identify and release tension on their own before it becomes a problem.
  • Provides a complete change of pace so the body and mind can relax and rejuvenate.

Chair Massage is Easy to Set Up and Run

  • Assign a contact person. He or she will help me set a schedule and sign people up.
  • Provide space. A conference room, break room, or a quiet corner is fine.
  • Encourage employees to use it. Make sure they know you support the program. Use it yourself and encourage your managers to do the same.